I’ve been doing a lot of blog-housekeeping, and many of the pages are still not ready, but the Patreon and Shop With Me (affiliate links) pages are ok to use. I will be using this website to host all my specialty pages like resources and links to things, etc. but I will also be using it as an actual blog. I won’t likely be posting my scrappy pages here unless they need a bit of extra explaining or supporting documents. But I will be using it more as a personal blog where I may post some of my own musings and updates on my life in general.

I’m going back and deleting a lot of the auto-posts from YouTube that I set up back when having an active blog was very important. Hundreds of my posts were not actually made by me, but rather a plug-in that auto-posted each time I updated to YouTube. My YouTube channel is pretty well organised with playlists, so I don’t think I need to mirror the content here. I haven’t been able to find them all to delete them, but I found and deleted hundred so far! I’m keeping all the posts that I actually wrote as blog posts. I’ll do a proper post when I’m ready to start blogging but for now I thought I’d put an explanation here for anyone who lands here and wonders what on earth is going on! Thanks for stopping by,


Mercy Tiara

Mercy Tiara

You may be wondering who is Mercy Tiara, and why the name? MercyTiara is an anagram of my first and middle names, Tracy Marie. I discovered this name in the 90's in grad school when we were all coming up with alter egos for one another in a lab one day. I've used it ever since, but you can call me Tracy or MercyTiara, or anything you want... just don't call me late for supper!

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